Verify URT Output is complete and successful (ready for upgrade)
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Verify URT Output is complete and successful (ready for upgrade)


Article ID: 173526


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You have ran the most recent version available of the Update Readiness Tool (URT), and you need to verify that the output indicates you are ready to perform a Migration or Upgrade.

The upgradeReadinessTool details.txt output file shows no errors.  However, if the output file does not include the Sandbox portion of the URT

(Starting "UPGRADE_READINESS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01", and show 0 errors for that portion as well, then corrections to permissions and/or Oracle Client installation type need to be verified.


Example of incomplete URT (excess blank rows removed):

Hostname   : customer Enforce server hostname

Upgrade Source Version  : 15.x

no rows selected

no rows selected

no rows selected

No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
Upgrade Target Version  : 15.x
Readiness Tool Version  : 3
Database Schema Version  : 15.x
Oracle Version   : Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Oracle Patchset   :
Oracle Server Platform  : AIX-Based Systems (64-bit)
Date    : 2019-01-29 08:49:30

Enforce Version      Date Installed      Is Current Version?
-------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------      2018-10-24 11:35:29     Y      2017-01-23 14:37:46     N      2017-01-23 13:52:58     N      2016-03-30 14:17:22     N      2015-03-06 09:47:08     N      2014-07-14 09:03:58     N

Start: Oracle RAC support not enabled - 2019-01-29 08:49:30
End  : Oracle RAC support not enabled - elapsed .01s - PASSED

Start: Oracle CDC support not enabled - 2019-01-29 08:49:30
End  : Oracle CDC support not enabled - elapsed 0s - PASSED

Start: Oracle Queued Jobs - 2019-01-29 08:49:30

   Job        Description
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
    2551       BEGIN ID_IncidentDeletor.Main_Driver(p_Delete_Metho
    38        BEGIN DI_DataRefresh.PreProcessing; END;

  There are 2 scheduled jobs that need to be unscheduled before the migrator
  is run, please read instructions at the KB on how to unschedule these jobs.
  Once the jobs are unscheduled, re-run the URT and continue your migration.

End  : Oracle Queued Jobs - elapsed .13s - FAILED (2 errors)

Start: Oracle Securefile Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:30
    **** Oracle 12c detected *****
End  : Oracle Securefile Validation - elapsed .26s - PASSED

Start: Oracle Virtual Column Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:30
End  : Oracle Virtual Column Validation - elapsed 5.61s - PASSED

Start: Oracle Partition Table Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:36
End  : Oracle Partition Table Validation - elapsed .04s - PASSED

Start: Numeric Overflow Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:36
End  : Numeric Overflow Validation - elapsed .01s - PASSED

Start: Table Definition Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:36
End  : Table Definition Validation - elapsed 15.71s - PASSED

Start: Index Definition Validation - 2019-01-29 08:49:52
End  : Index Definition Validation - elapsed 58.57s - PASSED

Start: Foreign Key Validation - 2019-01-29 08:50:51
End  : Foreign Key Validation - elapsed 13.17s - PASSED

Start: Miscellaneous Object Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:04
End  : Miscellaneous Object Validation - elapsed .13s - PASSED

Start: Invalid Object Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:04
End  : Invalid Object Validation - elapsed .06s - PASSED

Start: Check Constraint Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:04
End  : Check Constraint Validation - elapsed 2.7s - PASSED

Start: Sequence Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:07
End  : Sequence Validation - elapsed 3.41s - PASSED

Start: Oracle System Parameter Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:10
    Parameter Name     Current Value Recommended Value
    ------------------------------ -------------------- --------------------
    compatible      12.2.0
    disk_asynch_io     TRUE   FALSE
    job_queue_processes     4000   10
    memory_target     0   3072
    open_cursors     300   1000
    pga_aggregate_target    524288000  0
    query_rewrite_enabled    TRUE   FALSE
    session_max_open_files    10   20
    sessions      1524   1500
    sga_max_size     2147483648  0
    sga_target      2147483648  0
    sort_area_size     65536  0
    undo_retention     900   10800
End  : Oracle System Parameter Validation - elapsed .02s - WARNING (13 warnings)

Start: Data Validation - 2019-01-29 08:51:11
End  : Data Validation - elapsed 0s - PASSED

Data Objects Check Summary: There are total of 13 warnings and 2 errors.
For details about the Update Readiness Tool output messages


  1. Verify correct Protect user permissions for the database, using the kb article, Verify or Grant Oracle Database Permissions to Protect User or Upgrade Readiness User
  2. Verify correct URT user permissions using the "oracle_create_user.sql" script included in the script directory of the URT directory.
  3. Verify the DATA_PUMP_DIR exists:  select directory_name from dba_directories;
  4. Verify the protect user has the privilege to read and write to it: select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name LIKE 'DATA_PUMP_DIR';
  5. Check the OS-level permissions for the folder.  The Oracle OS user must have permissions to write to the directory.
  6. Check the Oracle Client installation type:
    • On the Enforce server look for \oracle\oracle-12c...\installation directory.
    • search the installation log for "INSTALL_TYPE"
    • If the value for this is anything other than "Administrator" have the customer uninstall and re-install the Oracle Client, selecting Administrator type.
  7. Re-run the URT and check to see if it matches the attached example.



Clean and Complete URT Output.txt get_app