On the Content Analysis System (CAS) version 2.3.x, the admin or enable password has been lost and must be reset.
You must access the CAS appliance with physical Serial Console (the Putty's default serial settings 9600/8-N-1 will do).
Follow the steps:
1. Select option 2 > Setup Console. On the next page, hit any key to get started.
2. The first part of the wizard is dealing with the network configuration. It is a required step during this setup wizard and it cannot be skipped.
Press the Enter key for each and every item to keep the default settings. Do not change anything on this page.
3. On this page, you will be able to change the passwords of admin and/or enable. The illustration below shows the change of the enable password.
4. Next is the final confirmation page, press any key to complete the wizard.
5. You can immediately test the new enable password. Select the option 1 for the Command Line Interface, then type enable and the new password.