Inventory Windows Apps through Altiris
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Inventory Windows Apps through Altiris


Article ID: 173437


Updated On:


Inventory Solution IT Management Suite


Applications installed using Windows App Store are not listed AddRemoveProgram Data Class in Agent Inventory.


ITMS 8.x


  • Until 8.5 RU1, Managing software installed using Windows App Store is not fully supported.


Although fully supported, software administrator can still generate a report of a list of computers that have installed specific application installed through Windows App Store:

  1. From Altiris Console, go to Reports > All Reports
  2. Right click desired folder where you want to create the new report, then New > Report > SQL Report
  3. Replace content listed in the Parameterized Query section with the following:

select vc.Name, fd.*
from Inv_Installed_File_Details fd
join vComputer vc on fd._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
where fd.Path like 'c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ReplaceWithProgramName\%'

  1. Replace the ReplaceWithProgramName with the folder name of the application you want to query
    1. Note: You may need to check c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ to determine the right folder name. This folder is hidden by default
  2. Save Changes