Inventory Windows Apps through Altiris
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Inventory Windows Apps through Altiris


Article ID: 173437


Updated On:


Inventory Solution IT Management Suite


Applications installed using Windows App Store are not listed AddRemoveProgram Data Class in Agent Inventory.


ITMS 8.x


Until 8.5 RU1, Managing software installed using Windows App Store is not fully supported.


Although fully supported, software administrator can still generate a report of a list of computers that have installed specific application installed through Windows App Store:

  1. From Altiris Console, go to Reports > All Reports
  2. Right-click desired folder where you want to create the new report, then New > Report > SQL Report
  3. Replace content listed in the Parameterized Query section with the following:

select vc.Name, fd.*
from Inv_Installed_File_Details fd
join vComputer vc on fd._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid
where fd.Path like 'c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ReplaceWithProgramName\%'

  1. Replace the ReplaceWithProgramName with the folder name of the application you want to query
    1. Note: You may need to check c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ to determine the right folder name. This folder is hidden by default
  2. Save Changes