You have been alerted that ICAP queueing is occurring on Edge SWG (formerly ProxySG). Users are experiencing delays in web pages loading.
You see these kinds of messages in your Event Log:
2020-03-06 21:29:23-00:00UTC "ICAP long scanning reqmod transaction for http://
.com/policy using dlp1 after 60 seconds and 1684703331 bytes"
2020-03-06 22:19:26-00:00UTC "ICAP scanning deferred for using cas1 after 126 seconds and 4544730464 bytes"
Edge SWG performing ICAP request scanning or response scanning.
Request and response scanning can take a long time to complete. Some requests, such as streams and stock tickers, are considered never-ending and run indefinitely.
If too many long-running requests take up all of the ICAP connections, requests will be queued. Clients will experience long delays if their requests are queued and are waiting for a stream or stock ticker to "finish".
Neither the Proxy nor the scanning device can determine if a request will take a long time or run indefinitely.
If you are experiencing ICAP queued connections, then Active Sessions will give you a list of clients and destination hosts.
Use the following filter: ICAP, REQMOD (for DLP and other request modification ICAP service) or ICAP, RESPMOD (for CAS or other response modification ICAP service) then Click on Show.
Sort based on "Duration" and check for requests which are stuck in "Transferring" or "Scanning" when hovering the mouse pointer on the field containing the "I" (for ICAP). These are most likely the requests which are causing queued connections. See also Parsing and analyzing current Active Sessions for troubleshooting.
To find the URLs associated with the hosts, utilize the access logs from the Edge SWG. Search on the hosts found above and see what URLs are being requested.
For example, Microsoft Azure sites that contain "servicebus/webstream" are streams not bypassed by the Best Practices Policy and must be manually configured for exclusion of ICAP scanning like this:
<cache> url.path.substring="servicebus/webstream" request.icap_service(no) response.icap_service(no)
The policy "" is used because of the dynamic nature of Azure IP addresses. We want to limit the matching of this policy to only numeric destinations.
Another site that circumvents the best practices is To exclude streams from/to use this policy:
<proxy> request.icap_service(no) response.icap_service(no) request.icap_service(no) response.icap_service(no)
See the ICAP best practices for Response Modification document for more information regarding the legacy method of handling these requests.