Oracle SID has changed to SERVICE_NAME in Symantec DLP
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Oracle SID has changed to SERVICE_NAME in Symantec DLP


Article ID: 173262


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Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention


Symantec Data Loss Prevention version 15.1 (downloaded starting on 21 September 2018) and newer, uses the SERVICE_NAME parameter to connect to the Oracle database.

This support applies to new installations and upgrades to Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15.1 and newer.

When you install the Enforce Server, you define a SERVICE_NAME for the Oracle database. You no longer use a System Identification Number (SID).

If you upgrade to Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15.1, you need to switch from SID to the SERVICE_NAME parameter before you begin the migration process.

Enforce Server fields or parameters used to define the SERVICE_NAME:


  • Define a SERVICE_NAME in the 'Service Name' field on the Oracle Database panel of the installation wizard.
  • Use the ORACLE_SERVICE_NAME parameter during the Silent Mode installation

Linux (Red Hat)

  • Define a SERVICE_NAME at the 'Enter Service Name' line in the Enforce Server Configuration Utility
  • Use the Oracle 'Service Name' parameter during the Silent Mode installation


Windows and Linux (Red Hat)


Before you upgrade to Symantec Data Loss Prevention 15.1, you must switch the Oracle SID to SERVICE_NAME. You cannot complete the migration process if you do not switch to the SERVICE_NAME parameter.


To switch from SID to SERVICE_NAME, you update the tnsnames.ora file to point to the SERVICE_NAME, and then register the service name change on the database.

Switching from SID to SERVICE_NAME:

  1. Locate tnsnames.ora file
    linux: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    windows: $ORACLE_HOME\network\admin
  2. Backup tnsnames.ora file
  3. If on Linux, change to Oracle user and stop the lsnrctl and continue on to the next step
  4. Open the tnsnames.ora file
  5. Change SID to SERVICE_NAME for the protect value, where protect is your current SID
  6. The protect section should read as follows:
        (DESCRIPTION =
            (ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))
            (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = protect)


Registering the service name:

If on Linux, export data for the SID by running the following command:
su - oracle
vi ~/.bash_profile
export ORACLE_SID=protect

  1. Launch SQLPlus
    sqlplus /nolog
  2. Connect to the database
    conn sys/protect as sysdba
  3. Set the service name with the following command:
    alter system set service_names= 'protect' scope=both;
    Where protect is your new SERVICE_NAME
  4. Set the SQL registry by running the following command:
    alter system register;
  5. Verify that the protect user uses the SERVICE_NAME parameter by running the following command:
    select value from v$parameter where name like '%service_name%';
    Where service_name is SERVICE_NAME parameter that connects to the Oracle Database. The SERVICE_NAME value protect displays in the command prompt.