Dagent Connectivity Issues (Delays or failures to connect to the DS/GSS console)
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Dagent Connectivity Issues (Delays or failures to connect to the DS/GSS console)


Article ID: 173198


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Dagent connectivity issue, when Dagent is up and running on a client machine it does not connect to Deployment Server/Ghost Solution Suite console, it takes a while until Dagent connects to the DS/GSS console (this time fluctuates, some times it takes 15 min. other times 2 hours).


In the Dagent logs you will find the following error message:

"[08/02/2010 20:27:50.553 2144 1] WaitForSysPrep.cpp:44 - Image state is IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE (or IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE)"

If the error message does not appear in the Dagent logs but, Dagent still experiences delays to connect to the DS/GSS console, then check this registry key {HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State} and if the value is IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE (IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE) then most likely that would be why Dagent is experiencing delays to connect to the DS/GSS console.


Applies To

Deployment Solution 6.9 SP5

Deployment Solution 6.9 SP6

Ghost Solution Suite 3.0

Ghost Solution Suite 3.1

Ghost Solution Suite 3.2

Ghost Solution 3.3


This issue is generally caused by deploying an image with a 0 or 1 rearm count.  Rearm counts are decremented each time sysprep runs.  To view the current rearm count please run the following command on the client machine: slmgr /dlv.  It will take a minute or two for the window to pop up and the rearm count will be displayed at the bottom of the pop-up window.


Please find below steps to solve this issue.

1- Edit Windows registry (regedit.exe)

2- Browse to {HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State}

3- Change value IMAGE_STATE_UNDEPLOYABLE/IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE to IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE After this change is done the client machine will connect to DS console within a couple of seconds.

Note: Changing this registry key will help the Dagent connect but won't resolve whatever issue caused this registry key not to be changed by Sysprep. Because of this, the machine may not be a viable machine for capturing an image from.