Some web pages in a site are blocked but others are allowed
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Some web pages in a site are blocked but others are allowed


Article ID: 173066


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Some pages within a site are accessible, but others are blocked by Web Security Service (WSS).


This can happen if certain pages within a website are categorized differently (e.g. "Technology/Internet" vs "Uncategorized").

It often happens if the top-level page of a site is categorized correctly, but child pages have not been.

If you have the "Uncategorized" category added to your G4 block rule under Content Filtering, then any pages falling under that category within the site will be blocked.



There are two possible solutions (without removing the category from your G4 block rule): 

  1. (Simplest) Add the parent domain (e.g., to your G3 "Allowed Domains/URLs" list under Content Filtering policy in your WSS portal.

  2. (Most effort required) When you encounter a child page that's blocked, note the IP address given on the block page (click "more") and check that IP address on the SiteReview rating service.

    If it shows as "Uncategorized" (or any other category that is incorrect), you can submit a request to the SiteReview team to have the IP address re-categorized.  You will have to do this for each IP address encountered in the site.

How to request a change for a current website category associated with its domain or IP