Added Ping Computer Right Click Menu privilege to a security role, but the option is still not available
Article ID: 172974
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IT Management Suite
In the Manage > Computer console, you grant a security role permission to ping a computer when right-click the resource. However, after enable Ping Computer check box in Right Click Menu (shown below):
The option is still not showing up when right-click the resource:
ITMS 8.1
The security role is missing the read permission to the TCP IP data class. Therefore it is unable to display this option.
To grant the read permission, first go back to security role settings and select 'Show Security Role Manager Console'
Then in the Security Role Manager window, click Add button:
From the new window, click the dropdown menu go to Settings > Notification Server > Resource and Data Class Settings > Data Classes > Inventory > Basic Inventory and then add AeX AC TCPIP data class by clicking the > arrow to add it to the list:
Verify the security role has the read permission to this data class: