Data is not loading in GSS web console when nt authentication is used for database access.
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Data is not loading in GSS web console when nt authentication is used for database access.


Article ID: 172970


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Ghost Solution Suite


Ghost Solution Suite (GSS) 3.3 with web console does not return any data when accessing the web console from a client system. 

No error but data doesn't load or an endless request for credentials comes up. 


Ghost Solution Suite (GSS) 3.3 with the Web Console installed
MS SQL configured with NT authentication. 


There is an adjustment to the permissions needed for IIS to allow the GSS web console access to the database. 

The account being used below in step 5 will need to have the rights to the SQL DB


The following additional items need to be updated.

  1. Open IIS on the server where web console is installed (GSS server)
  2. Navigate to the Application Pools -> GSSWebConsole
  3. Right Click on GSSWebConsole and click on “Advanced Settings” option
  4. In “Advanced Setting” option edit the “Identity” option present under “Process Model” tab
  5. Set the user for “Custom account” which has Database access.
  6. Then go to …..\Sites\Default Web Site\gss\api level in IIS
  7. Under Authentication disable the ASP.NET Impersonation option for AP.
  8. Restart the IIS service
  9. Open your browser and navigate to the web page of your Ghost console and Log in to the web console with  an Admin user account.  
    • http://localhost/gss/server as an example from the Ghost server.
  10. On settings page of web console add and save any user which is present in Active Directory and has read level access

With these settings in place the web console should display proper data for both on box and off box SQL instances.  Additionally these settings should allow for use of console security features to be enabled on the GSS server.