Administrator locked out of SpanVA
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Administrator locked out of SpanVA


Article ID: 172862


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Audit CASB Gateway CASB Gateway Advanced


Administrator no longer able to remember their password and locked out of SpanVA. 




Case 1: SpanVA is not integrated with Broadcom Login

Work through the following:

  1. Login to CloudSOC Tenant at (Or if your tenant is in the EU database)
  2. Click the Settings gear icon in the upper-right corner
  3. Open CloudSOC SpanVA > Click Status Monitor tab
  4. Review the name of the SpanVA to reset the password 
  5. Confirm that SpanVA is in Active status 
  6. Click the name of the SpanVA to view the details window
  7. Click the Reset SpanVA Password

Note that this method of changing the password from the Cloud takes a few minutes to sync to the SpanVA


Case 2: SpanVA is integrated with Broadcom Login

  • Reset the password through the "forgot password" flow on Broadcom Login page.

Note: more information can be found on this TechDoc around Configuring the CASB OIDC Broker for Broadcom Login