Error "Your machine isn't set up for Information Rights Management"
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Error "Your machine isn't set up for Information Rights Management"


Article ID: 172818


Updated On:


Information Centric Security


IRM was not automatically configured and you are not able to encrypt documents using RMS sharing app and/or ICT


  1. Send a encrypted email/file to the user with this problem(Opening an encripted email will configure IRM for Office automatically)

If that don't works follow this steps:

  1. Uninstall ICT and AD RMS Sharing app. 
  2. Download Full RMS sharing app client from here and install it:
  3. Delete ICT folder located at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Symantec Corporation\ICT.
  4. Reset DRM / MSIPC configurations following this guide(manual steps or automated using a script as you prefer):
    1. User can classify information but cannot consume it / Reset AD RMS Client                                                                                                                   
  5. Encrypt a file using AD RMS Sharing app, Azure RMS login window, login with your credentials.
  6. Install ICT.