GSS Server Details Won't Install While Installing iPXE
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GSS Server Details Won't Install While Installing iPXE


Article ID: 172807


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


During the installation of the optional iPXE component within Ghost Solution Suite the GSS Server Details won't install.  This is the server side component that is needed to get iPXE to work.  To determine if the GSS Server Details component is not installing look in the Internet Information Servers (IIS) Manager and drill down on the server to Sites\Default Web Site and look for a virtual directory called Deployment.  If this is missing then the GSS Server Details did not successfully install.

There is no error message during the installation of iPXE however if you look at the MSI log generated during the installation you'll see the following error.  It will be around line 679 or 680 of the log.

SetAppPoolCredentials:  ADsGetObject() failed : 0x80004005


Ghost Solution Suite 3.3


The necessary IIS roles have not been added to the server.


To resolve this issue it is necessary to have the correct roles and features enabled within IIS.

  1. Go into Add Remove Programs and make sure the Altiris eXpress Deployment Server - iPXE Add-on is not there.  If it is in the list uninstall it
  2. Perform an IIS reset by either running an iisreset from a command prompt or restarting it through the IIS Manager
  3. Run Server Manager on your Ghost Solution Suite server
  4. Click on the Add roles and features
  5. Hit 'Next' until you get to the Roles section
  6. Drill down on Web Server (IIS) | Management Tools
  7. Check the following options


With these options checked next through and allow the roles to be installed.  Reboot the server.  Then try installing the iPXE Ghost Server Details again.  Another reboot may be required.