To investigate SEP Mobile high battery utilization, the host iOS Battery Usage statistics are required.
Please follow the instructions below in order to ensure that the screenshots contain the details which should allow support to analyze SEP Mobile battery consumption compared to the other running apps on the device, with the total background time, and other device health statistics, in an accurate manner.
- On the end user affected device, navigate to Settings > Battery.
- Tap on the show detailed usage (the Clock icon at the top of the application list), or show activity (in iOS 12 and later) in order to display additional information (such as time on screen, background activity, No Mobile Coverage, and Low Signal).
- Take 2 screenshots - for Last 24 hours, and last 7 to 10 days, to share with Symantec Support.
Important Notes
- Ideally, the battery usage screenshots should be taken when the device is reaching low levels of the battery (~20% or less), to reflect full battery lifecycle statistics, and avoid skewed numbers.
- Try and include as many applications from the list as possible in the screenshots.
Additional notes
- If the battery detailed usage shows No Cell Coverage or Low Signal that means the device is searching for a signal or being used with a low cellular signal. This can impact battery usage, as some application will constantly attempt to make outgoing communication in a repetitive manner.
- If the device is being mostly static (location wise) and has only a few running applications, we expect SEP Mobile to show large proportions of the battery usage, which is reasonable.