How to license a Security Analytics appliance
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How to license a Security Analytics appliance


Article ID: 172700


Updated On:


Security Analytics


During initial configuration, you are presented with the license dialog, where you must install a license before you can continue.  If additional features are purchased after initial installation, running through these procedures is needed. Also, the "Intelligent Services Subscription" Health Test will fail if the "Symantec Intelligence Services Expiration" has expired.



To update or change a license for Perpetual Licenses on releases before 8.2.5, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your Security Analytics sales team to purchase the renewal or upgrade.
  2. You will use your original License Key for this procedure.
    • To find your original License Key: 
      a. Viewing Settings > Upgrade > Username (before the extra junk characters)
      b. By command line: echo "select * from meta" | su - postgres -c 'psql dsweb' | grep licenseKey
    • Use this license key in step 4
  3. Select Settings > About and then click License Details.
  4. Does your appliance have access to the Internet (; port 443)?
  • Yes — Under Retrieve License, input the original License Key and click Send Request.
    • If applicable, select the desired license type.
    • The appliance sends the license key and the license seed file to the license server, which generates the appropriate license file (license.tgz) and returns it to the appliance, which automatically reboots.


  • No — Click Download DS Seed to download the seed file (dsseed.tgz) to your workstation.
    • On a workstation that has Internet access, go to
    • Type your original License Key, upload dsseed.tgz, and click Update.
    • If applicable, select the desired license type and click Update.
    • Save the license file (license.tgz) to your workstation.
    • Return to the License Details dialog.
    • Click Browse and select license.tgz.
    • The license is uploaded and the appliance automatically reboots.