Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 Installer fails with error during database installation.
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Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 Installer fails with error during database installation.


Article ID: 172651


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Ghost Solution Suite


While installing or upgrading Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 the installation stops with an error at the Installing Ghost Solution Suite Database step. 

Symantec Ghost Solution Suite Installation
Server installation failed. Refer to the Server.log and DBInstaller.log for more details.


Ghost Solution Suite 3.3


Something has prevented the GSS installer from creating or making changes to the database and the installer won't progress until this situation is resolved. 


Resolve the issues that are preventing the database from being accessed and try the installation again.   

It might be possible to use the SA account during the installation rather than the NT authentication to get past this issue.   Reviewing the Server.log and DBInstaller.log to further understand why the DB is unable to be accessed.