iPXE is not automatically loading the assigned boot menu option
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iPXE is not automatically loading the assigned boot menu option


Article ID: 172520


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Ghost Solution Suite


A job has been built specifying an iPXE boot menu option for automation. The client machine loads to the iPXE boot menu but does not automatically load into the assigned menu option. The client machine is given the iPXE menu with a 10 second count down instead and then loads to its production operating system.  The automation job does not run.

There is no error message for this issue. The client machine simply won't load into the assigned iPXE boot menu option.


Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 with the iPXE component installed


This issue is caused by authentication settings within IIS.


The following steps are for GSS 3.3 GA version only.  GSS 3.3 RU1 has this included in the installer.  If you have 3.3 GA then please update to 3.3 RU1.    

There is an issue that remains for unknown computers that will be resolved in 3.3 RU2 once it is released.    

You'll need to first open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.  This can be done from the Tools drop down under the Server Manager on your Ghost Solution Suite server.

There are four locations within IIS where the Authentication settings need to be checked and configured correctly.  They are as follows:





For each of the above Authentication settings all of the options must be disabled except for Anonymous Authentication.  It must be enabled.

Also, it is necessary for the IPXEAppPool to have the Identity of the account used to install Ghost Solution Suite. This account must have SA rights to the Ghost Solution Suite SQL database.


This issue has been addressed with the release of Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 RU1.  If you're experiencing this issue in 3.3 the fix above will work however upgrading to RU1 will also do the trick.