Incidents marked for deletion are not getting deleted by deletor process.
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Incidents marked for deletion are not getting deleted by deletor process.


Article ID: 172507


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Oracle Standard Edition 2


Even when incidents are marked for deletion no deleter jobs are seen to be running or completed in "Deletion jobs history".

Deletion cannot be triggered manually using "Start Deletion" button in System > Incident Data > Incident Detection, as button is not offering any further action ("0" incidents in queue).

Exporting incident jobs show no errors in "".

The following entries are in the localhost logs:

27 Aug 2018 17:28:55,743- Thread: 154 INFO [com.vontu.manager] Incident deletion started. Incident deletion started
27 Aug 2018 17:28:59,308- Thread: 252 INFO [com.vontu.manager] Incident deletion completed. Incident deletion ran for 1 minute(s) 25 second(s) 0 ms and deleted 0 incident(s)

Every deletion attempt indicated in localhost log ran for 1 minute and 25 seconds.

Run this command to see the value of job_queue_processes.

select value from v$parameter where name='job_queue_processes';


If you have a DB_Profile output, look for it there:

JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES              0             WARNING: jobs may not be running!


Issue was originally indicated in DLP 14.6_MP1 but this technote is applicable for higher versions.



When JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter is set to 0 it causes no jobs to run. It may have been changed from default by someone with DBA privileges.


System parameter JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES needs to be set to 10 - which is the default parameter value as defined in the DLP Database Template.

The DBA should make the changes as necessary. For assistance in this task, please contact Technical Support.