There are 4 places where SQL Server connection string needs to be updated to change the SQL Server Workflow/ServiceDesk uses.
I. Symantec Workflow Explorer - SymQ Configuration:
II. Connection string in ProcessManager web.config
While server may be changed, database name cannot be changed from what it was set to when installing Workflow/ServiceDesk. If database name is changed Workflow/ServiceDesk will not function correctly.
Steps to change the SQL Server connection string:
I. Change the SQL Server in SymQ Configuration:
II. Steps assume the default location of C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow for Workflow/ServiceDesk installation, replace it with appropriate path if you have it installed in another location.
There are two ways to have the connection string in the web.config - plaintext and encrypted. Connection string in plain text works but can be problematic in high security environments.
Plaintext: Steps to change the connection string in ProcessManager web.config:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="H26o71ZL...L1Csw=" />
Encrypted: Steps to change the encrypted connection string in ProcessManager web.config:
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\Tools\lbutil.exe" -updatepmconnection -connectionstring [paste connection string here] -webconfig C:\Program Files\Symantec\Workflow\ProcessManager\web.config
III. Change the SQL Server reference under the Process Manager Sessions exchange:
IV. Restart IIS and Symantec Workflow Server service to properly apply the changed settings.