Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) Transport agents fail to install wiith "There is no known TransportAgentFactory interface..."
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Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) Transport agents fail to install wiith "There is no known TransportAgentFactory interface..."


Article ID: 172470


Updated On:


Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange



During the installation of Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) an error is generated preventing the installation of the SMSMSERoutingAgent & SMSMSESMTPAgent transport agents.  Attempts to install the transport agents manually also result in the same errors.


Within the Windows Event Viewer >  Applications and Services Logs > MSExchange Management, Source: "MSExchange CmdletLogs" -  Event ID 6 error will be displayed with Details similar to:

{Name=SMSMSESMTPAgent, TransportAgentFactory=Symantec.MailSecurity.Server.TransportAgent.SMSMSESMTPAgentFactory, AssemblyPath=C:\Program Files\Symantec\SMSMSE\7.9\Server\Symantec.MailSecurity.Server.TransportAgent.DLL}

System.ArgumentException: There is no known TransportAgentFactory interface implemented by the specified TransportAgentFactory "Symantec.MailSecurity.Server.TransportAgent.SMSMSESMTPAgentFactory".





When applying a Microsoft Exchange Rollup or Cumulative update Exchange setup recompiles the .NET assemblies and registers them into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).  Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) Natively utilizes .NET 2.0 assemblies to allow for a broad scope of OS support.  If during the installation process of the Exchange update the assemblies are not registered into the GAC correctly the assembly references will be unable to locate and redirect to the specific versions of the .NET 2.0 assemblies SMSMSE requires resulting in the error behavior.



A hotfix has been created for Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) 7.9.0.  This hotfix includes recompiled SMSMSE TransportAgent DLL's which utilize newer assemblies during the TransportAgent installation process.

To apply the hotfix:

1)  Download and extract the hotfix ( attached to this article.

2)  Determine is SMSMSERoutingAgent or SMSMSESMTPAgent are currently installed:

  1. Open Exchange Management Shell (EMS)
  2. Run command:  Get-TransportAgent  (If listed perform steps 3 & 4)
  3. Run command:  Uninstall-TransportAgent -Identity SMSMSERoutingAgent -Confirm:$false
  4. Run command:  Uninstall-TransportAgent -Identity SMSMSESMTPAgent -Confirm:$false

3)  Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service (MSExchangeTransport)

4)  Backup "Symantec.MailSecurity.Server.TransportAgent.dll" from <Drive>\<SMSMSE Install Path>\7.9\Server\

5)  Stop the Symantec Mail Security services  (smsmse, SAVFMSESpamStatsManager)

6)  Copy "Symantec.MailSecurity.Server.TransportAgent.dll" from the Hotfix to <Drive>\<SMSMSE Install Path>\7.9\Server\

7)  Install SMSMSE Transport Agents.

See:  How to manually install Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) transport agents.

8)  Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service (MSExchangeTransport)

9)  Start the Symantec Mail Security services  (smsmse, SAVFMSESpamStatsManager)




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