About the (Initial settings) Targeted Agent Setting Policy
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About the (Initial settings) Targeted Agent Setting Policy


Article ID: 172463


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IT Management Suite


Starting with the ITMS 8.1 RU4 release, the (Initial settings) Targeted Agent Setting Policy has been introduced.

What is the purpose of this policy?



Starting with ITMS 8.1 RU4


A Targeted Agent Settings policy with initial settings.
The (Initial Settings) policy lets you send the initial set of settings to the agents of client computers that have successfully registered but not yet appeared in the target of any regular Targeted Agent Settings policy.
For example, after a re-imaged client computer receives the (Initial Settings) policy with ACC, it can immediately connect to Task Server.
The (Initial Settings) policy has no specific target because it is automatically applied to the registered agents that are not found in the target of any other Targeted Agent Settings policy. After the agent appears in the target of a regular Targeted Agent Settings policy, it receives the settings of the regular policy.
Note that if you clone the (Initial Settings) policy, it will become a regular policy and is applied based on the configured target.

You can find it in the list of regular Targeted Agent Settings policies (under the SMP Console, go to Settings>Agents/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Targeted Agent Settings).
Note: You must enable the Initial Settings policy for Deployment Solution.

Additional Information

Configuring the Targeted Agent Settings