Modeling gateway is unable to find devices modeled in secure domain.
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Modeling gateway is unable to find devices modeled in secure domain.


Article ID: 17222


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


We use the Modeling Gateway to discover devices and create links between devices.  However, when we try to use it, in a Secure Domain, it fails.

The Modeling Gateway shows the following errors:

Sending action to identify 2 devices 

No models found by GET_DEV_MODELS_PER_IP action for x.x.x.x 

Device x.x.x.x in connection was not added to creation list. 

No models found by GET_DEV_MODELS_PER_IP action for y.y.y.y 

Device y.y.y.y in connection was not added to creation list. 


CA Spectrum, Modeling Gateway used with a Secure Domain Manager.





As this is a Secure Domain, we need to add the "secdomain_ipname" parameter to tell Modeling Gateway to use SDM to discovery and model the device. Example:

(Device ip_dnsname="x.x.x.x" secdomain_ipname="y.y.y.y"


Example: we would change the import from:



<Topology complete_topology="false">

<Connection create_pipe="true">

<Device ip_dnsname="x.x.x.x">

<Port identifier_name="portID" identifier_value="401"/>


<Device ip_dnsname="z.z.z.z.">

<Port identifier_name="portID"  identifier_value="24"/>








<Topology complete_topology="false">

<Connection create_pipe="true">

<Device ip_dnsname="x.x.x.x" secdomain_ipname="y.y.y.y">

<Port identifier_name="portID" identifier_value="401"/>


<Device ip_dnsname="z.z.z.z" secdomain_ipname="y.y.y.y">

<Port identifier_name="portID" identifier_value="24"/>










Additional Information

Please reference the "Modeling Gateway Toolkit" and "Secure Domain Manager (SDM)" sections of the documentation for more information.