You can use below method for uploading evidence to an active support which require Internet access to Broadcom servers.
Login to the CLI of the gateway having the issue and issue the following commands:
sftp [email protected]
Login to Wolken
Click on Case# > Attachments > Upload/View Files > files_from_customer
Copy the path from browser URL "2548549/31789171/files_from_customer/"
Paste it on server
sftp> cd 2548549/31789171/files_from_customer/
sftp> put location/filenameyouwanttoupload.gz
2548549 = Wolken -> Edit Asset -> Unit Location ()
31789171 = Wolken case number
You should see 100% file upload on gateway and when refresh Wolken Case, you should see file uploaded to location mentioned "2548549/31789171/files_from_customer/"