XCOM trace files on the Tandem are created as Format 1 files. A Format 1 file cannot exceed the 2GB minus 1MB size, whereas a Format 2 can exceed the 2GB minus 1MB size limit. How do we create a Format 2 trace file?
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Non-Stop(Tandem) 11.0
Here are several ways to address the problem:
Example on how to do that:
set type e
set code 0
set format 2
set ext (50,20)
set rec 256
set block 4096
create xcomtrc
You will find additional information about FUP in the following link:
File Utility Program (FUP) Reference Manual
FUP DUP oldfile, newfile [EXT (pri-extent-size, sec-extent-size )] [SAVEALL]
NOTE: You cannot use DUP to increase MAXEXTENTS. To alter the MAXEXTENTS of a file, use the FUP ALTER