How to Export EEM polices using safex
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How to Export EEM polices using safex


Article ID: 17195


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


Information on how to export an application via safex

How do I export policies for an application via safex?




In order to export EEM policies and settings using safex, you have to create a file with commands that tells safex to export. 

Once the export command file created you will then use safex and the import function on the export command file.


Command to import: 

safex -h (EEM SERVER) -u EiamAdmin -p (EiamAdmin Password) -f (Import file or export command file)


Export Command File samples: 

(All samples are outputted to a folder /tmp on UNIX, and C:\TEMP\ for Windows) 

UNIX\LINUX ? WorkloadAutomationAE 11.3 Sample



<Attach label="WorkloadAutomationAE"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file="/tmp/WorkloadAutomationAE_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





UNIX\LINUX ? WCC 11.3 Sample



<Attach label="WCC0003"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file="/tmp/WCC0003_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





UNIX\LINUX ? AutoSys 11.0 Sample



<Attach label="UnicenterAutoSysJM"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file="/tmp/UnicenterAutoSysJM_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





UNIX\LINUX ? WCC 11.1 Sample



<Attach label="WCC0002"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file="/tmp/WCC0002_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





WINDOWS ? WorkloadAutomationAE 11.3 Sample



<Attach label="WorkloadAutomationAE"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file="C:\TEMP\WorkloadAutomationAE_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





WINDOWS ? WCC 11.3 Sample



<Attach label="WCC0003"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file=" C:\TEMP\WCC0003_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





WINDOWS ? AutoSys 11.0 Sample



<Attach label="UnicenterAutoSysJM"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file=" C:\TEMP\UnicenterAutoSysJM_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>





WINDOWS ? WCC 11.1 Sample



<Attach label="WCC0002"/>


<!-- You can control the data to be exported by specifying the Yes(Y) or No(N). If you store the global users and global groups in CA's Management Database (CA-MDB) all the objects are exported. 

You can override the maximum number of items that are returned by the backend server. The default is 2000. To change the maximum number of items to return, include the maxsearchsize="Value" -->


<Export file=" C:\TEMP\WCC0002_EEM_Export.txt" globalfolders="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="y" folders="y" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y"/>


