Redirect Sym Agent machines to communicate with a different Notification Server
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Redirect Sym Agent machines to communicate with a different Notification Server


Article ID: 171807


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


If Agent machines are communicating with one Notification Server (NS) is there an easy way to redirect them to communicate with a different NS?


ITMS 8.x


SMP version 8.x:

  1. Export "Connection Profile" from the NS the agents are to be redirected to (Target NS).
    1. Navigate to Settings > All Settings > Symantec Management Agent > Symantec Management Agent Communication Profiles
    2. Right-click the listing for the FQDN of the Target NS
    3. Select Export and save the file.
  2. Import this communication Profile into NS the agents are currently reporting to (Original NS).
    1. Copy the file from the Target NS to the Original NS
    2. Navigate to Settings > All Settings > Symantec Management Agent > Symantec Management Agent Communication Profiles
    3. Right-Click Symantec Management Agent Communication Profiles
    4. Select Import and follow prompts to import the file
  3. Update Targeted Agent Policies on the Original NS to redirect agents to the Target NS as they check in for a configuration update.
    1. Navigate to Settings > All Settings >  Symantec Management Agent > Targeted Agent Settings
    2. Make the following change to each of the Targeted Agent Settings policies that are being used
      1. Select the Advanced tab
      2. Check the box for 'Specify an alternate URL for...'
      3. Click the pencil icon next the FQDN of the Original NS
      4. In the Settings window that opens, select the Profile for the Target NS
      5. Click OK, then click Save changes


  • If the Original NS is no longer available re-installing the Agent from the console of the Target NS will also work. In some instances this will need to be done twice.
  • Redirected Site Servers will still need to be promoted to Site Servers with the appropriate Site Services added on the Target NS after the Agent checks in the first time.