Activities to consider when upgrading from CA GEN 6.0 to CA release 8.6
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Activities to consider when upgrading from CA GEN 6.0 to CA release 8.6


Article ID: 17179


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


What are the different activities which need to be performed as part of CA GEN 6.0 to CA GEN 8.6 upgrade?





Release: KGNDDL99000-8.6-Gen-DBP Developer License


1. After the software has been installed in SMP/e, apply all PTFs before deploying to users.

2. Use the %CEINSTAL to configure the software. Run the CEJOB’s. 

3. Are you upgrading in-place (same database) or creating a new encyclopedia (new database)? 

4. If new encyclopedia, consider how all models will be moved from the old database to the new. Using DB2 unload/load or download w/upload option. 

5. How many models do you have? This may have a bearing on item 3 above. 

6. All models MUST be converted to the new schema before any processes can be done. This means no functionality is allowed in the Gen 8.6 Encyclopedia on models two schemas back. 

7. All load libraries must be defined as LIBRARY format (PDSE). This includes the Gen software loads, construction loads, external loads, etc. 

8. Determine if the Compatibility Feature will be used. See the Host Construction guide. We recommend generating, compiling, linking, and binding all applications. All managers (Server, Blockmode, Batch) must be a DLL. 

9. What type applications are you running, Client Server, Blockmode, Batch? 

10. If Client Server, you must reinstall all clients. 

11. If Client Server, what middleware are you running or want to run? 

12. You must upgrade your toolsets after all models have been converted. 

13. Devise a testing plan and include required resources. Since all applications have been reinstalled, everything must be tested even if the compatibility feature is used. 

14. JCL changes needed for batch jobs. 

15. External Action Blocks must reside in their own library and cannot or should not co-exists with Internal Action Blocks.

Additional Information

To see what has changed between the releases, please check the Release Notes for all of the releases between release 6.0 and 8.6, paying special attention to the 3rd party technical requirements. This will let you know about the changes between releases. 

One suggestion also to check is via TSO ISRDDN you can check to see if there are any libraries concatenated ahead of the ones we deliver. This may give you a hint if changes to libraries were saved in a different library. 

Any custom-made changes to the panels, libraries, skeletons, clists, etc will have to be examined by you for any special changes you made for release 6.0 which will then need to be incorporated into release 8.6. 

The documentation via this link 
will provide you with the documentation for previous releases 8.5, 8.0, 7.6.