Unable to reinstall Symantec Management Agent on Linux server.
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Unable to reinstall Symantec Management Agent on Linux server.


Article ID: 171745


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite Server Management Suite


Unable to reinstall Symantec Management Agent on Linux server.

During Symantec Management Agent installation the following messages appear:

rollout-ctagent.sh: line 160: aex-helper: command not found
Failed to find the Altiris Agent installation root dir.
Failed to find the target installation root dir.
ERROR: At least one input parameter for event sending is invalid: Action: 'Remote Install Finished', Client ID: ''.
ERROR: Failed to install package. Agent install failed.
Must provide either install XML in current working directory,
or run correct bootstrap file with embedded install XML,
or specify NS/URL parameter


Symantec Management Platform 8.1 RU5


The /opt/altiris directory is empty or removed, but the aex-nsclt-8.1-5817.x86_64 RPM is still installed.
Double-check this on the Linux Server using the following command:

"rpm -qa | grep aex"


Remove the aex-nsclt-8.1-5817.x86_64 RPM using the following command:

rpm -e

Try to install the Symantec Management Agent again using the 64 bit bootstrap.