How to enble the trace for particuler DB2 transaction from BTSQLSM1?
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How to enble the trace for particuler DB2 transaction from BTSQLSM1?


Article ID: 17170


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


We need the batch report BTSQLSM1 based on DB2 transaction instead of job(CORR-ID)

We need the batch report BTSQLSM1 based on DB2 transaction instead of job(CORR-ID)

So we need a GLOBAL filter WHERE class for DB2 transaction instead of the CORR-ID. 



z/os db2


The transaction name is not available directly for the WHERE 

clause so you will need to use the corr id. 


As the CICS transaction name seems to be part of the correlation ID, 

you can just use a substring match in the WHERE 


WHERE: CORR-ID(,4,5) = 'KM43' 


It goes field-name(occurrence,length,position). Occurence is optional, position starts with 1.