The Symantec Management Console (the Console) is the Web browser based administration console for working with Symantec Management Platform and solutions.
The following link (Language Support) contains a list of the officially supported languages in the Console. The Console and Help files have been localized in the referenced languages.
The localization mechanism is based on several stored procedures, tables and views. The ones of the most important stored procedures are spGetLocalisedItemStrings and spGetLocalisedItemStrings2. It has been discovered that the stored procedures may take much time to complete or time out in some environments.
There are no immediate errors in the log files, but this is the way how the issue presence can be confirmed:
Please note, it is safe to run the intercepted stored procedure directly from SQL Management Studio, but the execution time can be significantly shorter.
SMP 8.1.x (up to RU6).
A deficiency in spGetLocalisedItemStrings and spGetLocalisedItemStrings2 stored procedures logic.
SMP 8.1.x users:
SMP 8.1 RU7 will have the modified stored procedures within.