Jobs and Tasks that include 'If' conditions show task failures when the condition evaluates as false
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Jobs and Tasks that include 'If' conditions show task failures when the condition evaluates as false


Article ID: 171624


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IT Management Suite


You have created a task or job that contains multiple steps using If/Else conditions for flow control. You notice your job returns errors on running, but when drilling into the details you see that in fact the 'error' is that the 'if' test has evaluated as false. See the simplified example in the screenshot below: 


ITMS 8.x, Any job or task with an if/else condition evaluation


This is the current design of the product. 


This is expected behavior when using any job or task with an if/else condition evaluation. There are no current plans to modify this behavior. Any condition not matching the expected return will show as a failed task by design.