In CA TPX Terminal Options Specification, panel TEN0142, field LOGO panel member specifies TSW0003. Where can I find this panel?
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In CA TPX Terminal Options Specification, panel TEN0142, field LOGO panel member specifies TSW0003. Where can I find this panel?


Article ID: 17139


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


In TPXADMIN Terminal Options Specification, some of the sample rules on panel TEN0142 such as for RULE01 in table SYSAPROD includes field LOGO panel member defined as TSW0003. 

                  TPX Terminal Options Detail Panel                            
                                                            Panelid  - TEN0142 
 Command  ===>                                              Userid   - 
                                                            Termid   - 
    Terminal Options Table: SYSAPROD                        Date     - 
    Terminal Options Entry: RULE01                          Time     - 
    Terminal Mask:          A55TI---                                           
  LOGO panel member:                              TSW0003                      
  LOGMODE entry override:                                                      
  Application Logmode override:                                                
  User Passthrough Print Mgmt. printer:                                        
  ReBind with largest screen size available:      N                            
  Term. does not support 081b:                    N                            
  Term. does not support Read Buffer:             N                            
  Term. does not support Read Modified All:       N                            
  Ignore Device End sense code:                   N                            
  Terminal defined to VTAM with INTTAB:           N                            
  Terminal does not support extended datastream:  N                            
  Terminal does not support highlighting:         N                            
  Terminal supports ERASE, RESET struct. field:   N                            
  Terminal name is from an LU pool:               N                            
  Ignore Keyboard Restore sent for a null RU:     N                            
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Panel load and display for TSW0003 actually displays TEN0003.

In CA TPX Terminal Options Specification, panel TEN0142, field LOGO panel member specifies TSW0003.  Where can I find this panel TSW0003?


CA TPX for z/OS


TSW0003 is the delivered Swedish LOGO panel.


During initial TPX installation, part of the process is to copy samples into the TPX VSAM files.  Part of ADMIN1 is a sample for Terminal Options that specifies an alternate LOGO panel of TSW0003 to the usual TEN0003. 


If you don't have Swedish language installed (FMID CB0V54F, DSN *.CB0VPSVE) then TPX won't find TSW0003 and substitutes the delivered default TEN0003 or what you have specified in SMRT.


If you are creating your own rule based upon one of the installed samples, you should specify the actual LOGO panel that you would like displayed.  You can leave this field blank.



Additional Information

TPX 5.4 - Installing - FMIDs