Task "Modified by" and "Started by" fields show the application identity rather than the logged in user
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Task "Modified by" and "Started by" fields show the application identity rather than the logged in user


Article ID: 171361


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Task Server


 Why is the Task "Modified by" and "Started by" fields showing the application identity (AppID) rather than the logged in user?

When running a task but the task "started by" it has the service account in the field instead of the user account when logged in with the user/admin account.


ITMS 8.x


The IIS TaskManagement virtual application had anonymous access enabled


Disable anonymous access on the Taskmanagement virtual application in IIS:

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Go to Default Web Site>Task Management
  3. Double-click on "Authentication" in the middle frame under the Features View
  4. Make sure the Status is set to "Disabled" under the Anonymous Authentication feature.