Why is SpanVA sending UDP or ICMP packets to the default Gateway?
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Why is SpanVA sending UDP or ICMP packets to the default Gateway?


Article ID: 171264


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Security Premium CASB Security Advanced CASB Audit CASB Gateway CASB Gateway Advanced


The customer wants to know why the SpanVA is sending UDP or ICMP packets to the Default Gateway.


SpanVA does a traceroute to the known GW of the network once every ten minutes, and this is done to distinguish a NAT GW from the bridged GW.  NAT and bridged GW respond differently to traceroute requests.

This is done in use case where a customer runs SpanVA with one NAT and one bridged interface, we would be able to detect the bridged interface and show its IP and corresponding GW in the Network tab on SpanVA UI, and in the SpanVA details in the Cloudsoc Console