What is the SpanVA Syslog tab for?
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What is the SpanVA Syslog tab for?


Article ID: 171257


Updated On:


CASB Audit CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Premium CASB Securlet SAAS


Need more information on SpanVA > Monitoring Tab > "Syslog" Tab


The Syslog tab on the Monitoring Logs page is for configuring a connection to a Client's external Syslog server for sending internal events, such as SpanVA OS Status.

These logs are feeds you see in the Monitoring -> "Console" Tab. They are not from the Proxy, FW, DSS etc.

Please refer to the tech doc for more detail:

Send Error Messages to a Syslog Host

If you wish to configure the SpanVA to receive the proxy or firewall logs, please use the link below and locate the corresponding device type for the more instruction:

Audit-Supported Firewalls