Register a new Email Quarantine Administrator
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Register a new Email Quarantine Administrator


Article ID: 171239


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Quarantine Administrators are users of Email Quarantine who have extended privileges. These privileges allow them to perform some administrative functions in Email Quarantine, including:

  • Viewing details of Email Quarantine accounts

  • Creating accounts

  • Deleting accounts

  • Creating aliases and account groups to direct the spam of a distribution list or group of users to a single account

  • Logging on to another user's Email Quarantine account and managing their spam.

You can enter up to 100 Quarantine Administrator email addresses.


Email Security.Cloud


In Order to define one or more Quarantine Administrators :

  1. Select Services > Email Services > User Quarantine > Apply to "Global Settings" or a specific domain and navigate to the Administrators section.

  2. Enter each email addresses of your organization's Quarantine Administrators individually one at a time and push the "Add" button. 

  3. If you want to enter multiple addresses, then they must be separated with a semi-colon.

  4. Then click Save and Exit.
  5. Advise each admin to use the reset password option on the Quarantine Log-In page, i.e., either "" or "" depending upon your location.

Additional Information

Note: If your domain is set to custom settings in quarantine, you will need to setup administrators on the custom settings page, as the default administrators will not apply.