Error: Unexpected server error occurred
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Error: Unexpected server error occurred


Article ID: 171199


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


When using Universal Policy Enforcement as an integrated solution between the Web Security Service (Cloud) and other appliances, you may want your policy to be applied globally or on the Cloud only. In both scenarios, you will be exporting policy to the Cloud.

Unexpected server error occurred during policy installation on the Cloud.

Error: An unexpected server error occurred.


The root cause is a Non-existent/Expired Management Center Integration Token


Go to Integrations on your Portal account (Service > Account Maintenance > Integrations) and follow the steps below depending on your situation:

Non-existent integration.
  1. Click on New Integration. The portal displays the New Integration dialog.
  2. Select Management Center. Define the token attributes.
    1. Select the Expiry Type.

      • Time-based—You define the date and time when this token expires.
      • Usage-based—You define how many times this token can be used. On the defined number, the token becomes invalid.
      • Never expires.
    2. Set the expiration criteria.

      • For Time-based, select the date and time.
      • For Usage-based, set the valid number of uses.
    3. (Optional) Enter a comment that defines the token's purpose.
  3. Click Save
The portal displays the token.
To review the attributes, select a token and click Edit. You can also Delete or temporarily Disable (and re-Enable) the token.

Tokens Not Permitted
Depending on the configuration, some devices might not allow a token but requires a username and password instead. You can return to the token you want to use and view it. The credentials become:
  • Username: user—mc-register or sg-register
  • Password: The generated token

Expired integration.
  1. Select the expired Management Center solution.
  2. Setup the Expiry Type.