Unable to access an Oracle Database when using a Connector
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Unable to access an Oracle Database when using a Connector


Article ID: 171191


Updated On:


CMDB Solution


There is a necessity to import information/data from a Oracle Database inside the ITMS Console.

This connection type should be already configured by the person responsible for the Oracle Environment.


An error occurred loading page. The 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' provider is not registered on the local machine.



ITMS 7.x and 8.x


Oracle Database configuration was not done properly.


All the following steps MUST be validated and guided by your Oracle Team.
Symantec will not give support if the following steps does not work, as it is a third-party software installation. 

  1. Install the ODAC x64. It should be installed in the "C:\Oracle\" directory
  2. Download and Install the "Oracle Instant Client" in the same folder structure as the ODAC was installed.
    1. Ex: ODAC installed in "C:\Oracle\product\12.2.0\client_1\", install the Instant Client in "C:\Oracle\product\". 
  3. If you found only the .zip file of the "Oracle Instant Client", follow the next few steps:
    1. Unzip all .ZIP inside "C:\Oracle\product\instantclient_12_2"
    2. Create the folders NETWORK and ADMIN in the following path structure: "C:\Oracle\product\instantclient_12_2\Network\Admin". In this folder is necessary to put the files "sqlnet.ora" and "tnsnames.ora" being previously configured (Talk to your Oracle Team).
    3. Create and Configure the environment variable ORACLE_HOME that needs to point to the directory where the "Instant Client" is installed.
      1. Ex: "C:\Oracle\product\instantclient_12_2"'
    4. Configure the PATH environment variable with the address where the ODAC binaries and DLLs are also the directory where the "Instant Client" is installed (keeping the last one as a first choice).
      1. Ex: (C:\Oracle\product\instantclient_12_2; C:\Oracle\product\12.2.0\client_1; C:\Oracle\product\12.2.0\client_1\Bin)
    5. Run regsvr32 to register the OraOLEDB12.dll (or OraOLEDB11.dll if the Oracle 11c was installed)
    6. Install the Visual Studio C++ 2013 Redistributable (http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056DCDA9-D667-4E27-8001-8A0C6971D6B1/vcredist_x64.exe)
    7. Reboot the Server