Curl command for site categorization polling on Edge Swg (Proxy SG)
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Curl command for site categorization polling on Edge Swg (Proxy SG)


Article ID: 171104


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ProxySG Software - SGOS Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG


You would like to use a Curl command or script on Edge SWG to return a category for a resource.


You can point the curl command to the advanced URL of "https://x.x.x.x:8082/ContentFilter/TestUrl/{URL.EN_US}"

curl -k -u user:password https://x.x.x.x:8082/ContentFilter/TestUrl/{URL.EN_US}

This action does require admin credentials with at least Read-Only (RO) access. So if the admin authentication uses an external user database and a realm, you can create a user for this sole purpose with RO access.

To set up the admin authentication and authorization please see Use policy to control Edge SWG (ProxySG) administrator access

curl -k -u user:pass https://x.x.x.x:8082/ContentFilter/TestUrl/
  Policy: none
  Blue Coat: Technology/Internet
  category groups:
  Blue Coat: Business Related; Technology