Trying to access Management Console on the Symantec ProxySG or Symantec Advanced Secure Gateway (ASG) and receiving only Management Console toolbar but Java is not running.
If you are accessing from Internet Explorer
1. Add Proxy URL to trusted sites:
2. Add Proxy URL to security zone on Java Console
3. Remove weak cipher suites from HTTPS Management Console
Access SSH console of the Proxy an enter these commands:
Enable Password:
#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL-Z.
#(config management-services)edit HTTPS-console
#(config management-services)attribute cipher-suite AES128-SHA AES128-SHA256 AES256-SHA256
4. Clear Java console cache
For additional information about Supported Java, operating system, and browser versions for SGOS and Advanced Secure Gateway see Supported Java, operating system, and browser versions for SGOS on ProxySG and Advanced Secure Gateway