CloudSOC SysAdmin or Admin User password reset
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CloudSOC SysAdmin or Admin User password reset


Article ID: 170936


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CloudSOC (CASB) SysAdmin or Admin password needs to be reset.


Steps to reset a CloudSOC SysAdmin or Admin User's password.

SysAdmin can use this procedure to manually reset a single CloudSOC SysAdmin or Admin user's password. 

  1.  In the CloudSOC app, on the top bar choose Users > Users.

  2.  Find the User, click in the Actions column and choose "Reset Password".

  3.  On the “Reset Password” panel, do one of the following:
    • Click “Send Reset Link” to email the user a password reset link.
    • Click “Set Password” to generate a new temporary password that you can send to the user.
    • After logging on with the password, CloudSOC prompts the User to create a new password.

Additional Information

See Symantec CloudSOC Administration Tech Doc for more password reset and requirements details: