Understanding importance and confidence in threat detectors
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Understanding importance and confidence in threat detectors


Article ID: 170924


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CASB Security Standard CASB Security Premium CASB Security Advanced CASB Gateway CASB Gateway Advanced CASB Audit CASB Securlet SAAS


Need a better understanding of what importance level and confidence level, in CloudSOC Detect, are and how they are important.


You can configure both the importance level and a confidence level that determines how much certainty you require to declare an incident.

The greater the confidence setting, the more comprehensive a user profile must be before declaring that an incident falls outside the bounds of normal behavior.

For example, setting confidence to 90% means that the detector does not fire unless the user’s profile has enough data for Detect to tell the difference between normal and abnormal behavior with 90% certainty.

An important tradeoff inherent in this method is that a larger confidence value requires a longer training period to achieve the required certainty.

The importance and confidence settings influence detectors vary differently--high confidence with low importance means something very different from low confidence with high importance.

Consider the three examples described below.

  • If you were particularly concerned that malware or a bad actor might threaten your data with anomalously frequent deletes, you might configure a lower confidence and higher importance for the corresponding detector as shown below.

    By setting a lower confidence level, you are taking the position that you would rather get more false positives than let any real incident be suppressed. And by selecting a higher importance, you are asking that the user’s Threat Score be increased more for an incident of anomalously frequent deletes than for other anomalously frequent actions.
  • If you happened to believe that excessive use of sharing is more harmful to the company than any other action, including delete, you might configure the Anonymously frequent sharing detector as shown below.

    The relatively low confidence level reflects a better-safe-than-sorry policy, and the Critical setting for importance raises the user’s Threat Score sharply when the behavior is detected.
  • If you believe that anomalously frequent user actions represent a danger only when the pattern is very well developed, you might use the settings shown below for this detector.

    The high confidence setting tells Detect to declare an incident only when it can do so with a minimal chance of false positives. The low importance setting raises the user’s Threat Score only a modest amount for each incident.


Additional Information

For additional details see Detect Tech Doc:
