How to enable "go to file" and "go to directory" links located in left pane of DLP Discover incidents?
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How to enable "go to file" and "go to directory" links located in left pane of DLP Discover incidents?


Article ID: 170913


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


Upon investigating DLP Discover incidents in the Enforce console you notice that "go to file" and "go to directory" links located in the left pane of DLP Discover incidents do not work; the link will not work if you click on them.

When you hover the mouse over the link you may notice address of the link in following format file://///server_name/share/file_name.

No related error appears.


Both "go to file" and "go to directory" are local links, and disabled by all browsers by default. The local link format is recognized by "file://///".


Installation of "Local Link" additional plug-in for a browser will make it working properly.

For Firefox browser follow the below steps. The same could be done on Chrome/IE also, however it may be a bit different:

- To open incident files in native application (notepad/windows explorer), you need to install only "Local File system Links" Firefox plug-in
- To open incident files/folders in a browser, you need to install "Local Link" Firefox plug-in

Once both of mentioned plug-ins installed, you can left click on the "go to file" and "go to directory", to open it in native application or you can right click it and select the option "Open Link in Local Context" to open it in a browser.

Additional Information

It is also possilble to copy the full link and edit in a text editor to remove the "//". Then you would past the corrected link into Windows explorer to open the file.