Data Loss Prevention (DLP) SharePoint Discover Scans file quarantine fails.
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Data Loss Prevention (DLP) SharePoint Discover Scans file quarantine fails.


Article ID: 170884


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Network Discover


Running Discover scans of SharePoint server with File Quarantine Smart Response rule configured
The manual file quarantine will be successful once, however subsequent files or attemps with fails with an error.

FlexResponse Action Failed 
[Sharepoint Quarantine] failed with message: Could not quarantine file: ::faultcode => soap:Server::faultstring => Server was unable to process request. ---> Copy move operation failed ---> A list, survey, discussion board, or document library with the specified title already exists in this Web site. Please choose another title. ---> A list, survey, discussion board, or document library with the specified title already exists in this Web site. Please choose another title.::detail => 


DLP 15.8, 16.0
SharePoint 2013, 2016, 2019


Target name includes dashes (-)

SharePoint 2013 treats hyphens (the '-' character) as a word brake character. Here is the Microsoft development support case link:


SharePoint creates the file the first time properly. Then the file gets indexed. The indexing process seems to use a text processor to originate entries. This way the index would contain text with hyphens('-') replaced by path-separating slashes: '/'.


Another MSDN tech discussion confirms this:


Omit the use of dashes when creating SharePoint Discover scan targets