Multiple instances of ccSvcHst.exe seen on Citrix XenApp server when using Endpoint Protection 14 RU1 with Outlook Scanner
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Multiple instances of ccSvcHst.exe seen on Citrix XenApp server when using Endpoint Protection 14 RU1 with Outlook Scanner


Article ID: 170879


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Endpoint Protection


Install Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) 14 RU1 client with the Outlook Scanner to Citrix XenApp server. Set the LaunchSmcGui registry value to 0 to prevent multiple instances of ccSvcHst.exe from occurring. Numerous instances of the ccSvcHst.exe process based on the number of user connections to the Citrix XenApp server still appears. This can also stop the Citrix user profile from closing at logoff and keep the user logged in.

Location of LaunchSmcGui registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC\LaunchSmcGui > DWORD value = 0


After Outlook is installed, the first run of ccSvcHst will work as expected and the OutlookSessionPlugin unloads itself. Next time forward, the check does not happen and the OutlookSessionPlugin does not unload itself and ccSvcHst user instance keeps running.


This issue is fixed in Symantec Endpoint Protection Client 14.2 or later.  For information on how to obtain the latest build of Symantec Endpoint Protection, read
TECH 103088: Download the latest version of Symantec Endpoint Protection