Cannot save ServiceNow ticket status mappings in CCS console
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Cannot save ServiceNow ticket status mappings in CCS console


Article ID: 170824


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


The URL and account on the ServiceNow ticket information dialogue screen have been entered and the connection to ServiceNow from the Control Compliance Suite (CCS) console has been validated by clicking the Validate button.  However, after inputting ServiceNow Status choices that map to CCS statuses, the information cannot be saved without receiving the error: "Ticket status mappings are mandatory. Any changes made will not be saved."

Ticket status mappings are mandatory. Any changes made will not be saved.



CCS 12.5.x

CCS 12.6.x



Account being used to connect to ServiceNow does not have READ rights to the ServiceNow tables named "sys_choice" and\or "sys_choice.label".



Accounts used to connect to ServiceNow must have the ability to login, create incidents, and read the two tables called "sys_choice" and "sys_choices.label" inside of your ServiceNow instance.  The sys_choice.label information is downloaded to the CCS console when you click the Validate button in the ServiceNow settings screen. These labels are what is displayed as the possible status choices available in ServiceNow that can be mapped to CCS statuses.  The sys_choice table information is also downloaded to the CCS console and contains a unique number that is assigned to those corresponding labels from the sys_choice.label table.  The unique number identifies each label as a different status.  Without the ability to make each status unique, CCS cannot determine what the status is and will error out when trying to save the status mappings.

To fix your account, assign READ rights to the "sys_choice" and "sys_choice.label" tables to a role inside of ServiceNow and assign this role to your ServiceNow account being used in CCS.  Of course other rights (as mentioned above) would also need to be assigned to this same account in order for it to create ServiceNow incidents, but those additional rights need not be in the same role.