Update Readiness Tool Error: "Unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier."
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Update Readiness Tool Error: "Unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier."


Article ID: 170676


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention


The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Update Readiness Tool(URT) is failing after performing the following steps to prepare the tool.
  1. Grant permissions to "Protect" user see Verify or Grant Oracle Database Permissions to Protect User or Upgrade Readiness User (broadcom.com).
  2. Create an additional update readiness user
  3. Use the create_user.sql script - see Symantec Data Loss Prevention Upgrade Guide for Linux, Version 15.8 or Symantec Data Loss Prevention Upgrade Guide for Windows, Version 15.8,
  4. Transfer the URT zip file to the Enforce server
  5. Unzip the URT contents
  6. Verify connections to Oracle Database for both the protect user and new update readiness user (see step 2), and correct any incorrect usernames and passwords.

Error: unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier.


The service name used with URT does not resolve to the service_name parameter in the Oracle database.



Confirm the service_name using one of the following methods

Review the tnsnames.ora file for the service_name. In Oracle the file can be found here: \oracle\product\oracle_version\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora



Review the jdbc.properties file on Enforce. The file can be found here: \Protect\config\jdbc.properties



Review oracle parameters for the configured service_name via sqlplus.

  1. Open cmd or terminal
  2. run the following command: sqlplus /nolog
  3. Connect to oracle: connect sys as sysdba
  4. Run this query to confirm the service_name parameter: select value from v$parameter where name='service_name';




Additional Information

If after verifying all the above and you still get the error: Update Readiness Tool Error: "Unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier."

Then, make sure that you have the environment variable for the Oracle client Path is set properly and pointing to the correct location. 

It is also good to add ORACLE_HOME variable with the same path pointing Oracle client (without bin folder):