Error: unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier.
The service name used with URT does not resolve to the service_name parameter in the Oracle database.
Review the tnsnames.ora file for the service_name. In Oracle the file can be found here: \oracle\product\oracle_version\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
Review the file on Enforce. The file can be found here: \Protect\config\
Review oracle parameters for the configured service_name via sqlplus.
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys as sysdba
select value from v$parameter where name='service_name';
If after verifying all the above and you still get the error: Update Readiness Tool Error: "Unable to establish db connection for user protect - invalid connection identifier."
Then, make sure that you have the environment variable for the Oracle client Path is set properly and pointing to the correct location.
It is also good to add ORACLE_HOME variable with the same path pointing Oracle client (without bin folder):