When trying to add Association to software there is an error "Symantec Management Server Error", "Internal Server Error"
This is the error thrown in the logs:
HTTP Request failed:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#validRe__FEDF33B1EB865BED'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#validResources'. The duplicate key value is (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
at Altiris.NS.DataAccessLayer.Implementation.Altiris_SoftwareManagementSoftwareManagementFrameworkDAL.spSMF_GetScopeMembersLocalizedNoPatch(Guid scopeCollectionGuid, String trusteeMembership, Boolean includeChildren, String culture)
SQL Exception details: code=2627, line=9, procedure=spSMF_GetScopeMembersLocalizedNoPatch
There is at least one software resource that was created as two different types.
To resolve this we need to identify the problem software.
The following query can be used in a report or run from SQL Management Studio to isolate the Software Resources that are causing the problem.