How to bypass SSL interception on the ProxySG in transparent mode
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How to bypass SSL interception on the ProxySG in transparent mode


Article ID: 170576


Updated On: 10-04-2023


ProxySG Software - SGOS


Your ProxySG is deployed in transparent mode, which means the users don't have any proxy settings in their browser.
The SSL interception is globally enabled for all in the policy of your ProxySG.
You want to create an exception and disable the SSL interception for one destination only.


Create the bypass rule in your local file policy:

  1. Go to Configuration > Policy > Policy Files > Install Local File from > Text Editor > Install
  2. Append the following rule to your existing policy

server.certificate.hostname.substring=<insert-the-domain-you-want-to-bypass> ssl.forward_proxy(no)

Note: detect_protocol(no) has no effect to transparent mode deployments.