Network discovery doesn't detect and scan network devices like switches via SNMP. Since the upgrade to 8.1 RU2 and RU3, the network scan detects devices for IPs that do not exist.
If a non-existing IP is scanned, it detects the device as unknown.
Steps to reproduce:
Status: Completed
O/P Properties:
Discovery statistics:
Total devices processed: 1
New devices added: 1
Devices updated: 0
Device add failures: 0
Device update failures: 0
Symantec Management Platform (SMP) 8.1 Release Update (RU) 2, 3 and 4.
This issue has been fixed in 8.1 RU5 and will also be fixed in 8.5. After upgrading you may still need to run through steps 1-3 below to clean up previous invalid data.
A point-fix is available for this issue in 8.1 RU2, RU3 and RU4 (attached). To install the point-fix please follow the steps below: