What are required to convert jobs that use UJMSAP to jobs that run Workload Automation Agent
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What are required to convert jobs that use UJMSAP to jobs that run Workload Automation Agent


Article ID: 17043


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


What are required to run the SAP Adapter Conversion Utility?


Release: ATSAGE99000-11.3-Workload Automation AE-Remote Agent


1. UJMSAP 3.2 or the CLI component of WAAE are needed for some of the conversion steps.

The followng excerpt is from the Utility User Guide:

Execute the conversion process steps on the machine where the SAP Adapter is installed and those that must be executed on a machine with a minimum of the AutoSys CLIs installed. If the SAP Adapter is installed on a machine that also has the AutoSys CLIs available to it, the entire conversion process can be done from a single machine. The conversion tools do not alter the SAP Adapter environment.

2. The following Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions must be installed on your computer to run this utility:

HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows

  JRE 1.6 (32-bit) and higher


  JRE 1.7 (32-bit) and higher


Additional Information

This utility has the following features:

Export the Users from SAP Adapter

Extracts SAP user credentials from the SAP Adapter configuration and stores the IDs and passwords (encrypted) in a text file that can be copied to another machine, if required.

Import the Users into AutoSys

Defines the user IDs to AutoSys using autosys_secure.

Convert Jil definitions

Creates a jil compatible file with corresponding statements that can be used to administer the existing job definitions. It converts only Unicenter JM Adapter for SAP Jobs. Other non-adapter jobs do not have any impact and will not be converted.

The tools do not update the jobs automatically. They do not alter the source configuration or jobs either.

For further details, see the SAP Adapter Conversion Utility User Guide.